I've been informed there is a particular location in North Carolina that has the fewest incidents of natural disaster. It is not affected at all by earthquakes, hasn't experienced a tornado in decades, elevated enough to avoid flooding and if there is a hurricane, the geography diminishes the storm to have negligible impact.
That is an interesting fact and a great blessing if you live there. But, most of us don't. For those of us, like myself, who live in an area where natural disasters are a fact of life, you will have to deal with the consequences of that reality at some point.
After a hurricane struck our state this year, this safe was left for several weeks in a flooded garage. The electronic lock was compromised as a result of the storms impact and the owner finally decided he needed to have the container opened to recover its contents before replacing it.
As unfortunate as it is to find yourself in the path of a hurricane, that misfortune is magnified when the damages destroy or prevent you from accessing your insurance paperwork, valuables, money or whatever else you may need to have to make your way back to normalcy.
Having the ability to assist you in that restoration is a joy and a blessing to me. Hopefully, it can be the same for you. Whether it's a storm, a fire or a vandal, I hope to reduce the impact of those events for you.
Give me a call for a free quote!